FIVE Summers of Internships!

By: Brooklyn Breese, Customer Success Representative

Adley Mayo

Adley Mayo, a recent graduate of Caldwell High School, is gearing up for her next adventure at Coffeyville Community College. She will be playing softball for the next two years, and pursuing a degree in graphic design. At Kanokla, Adley was involved in various projects, from assisting the Design Studio with print tasks, the Bluejay backer calendar, and Kanokla’s upcoming podcast, to joining our field teams to canvas Cherokee for the upcoming fiber buildout.

What was your favorite part of your internship?

“My favorite thing about the internship was definitely the paycheck!” Beyond the financial perks, she found the experience valuable for learning about different graphic design programs.

What was your favorite learning experience?

“I learned a lot about the various graphic design software tools that I hadn’t used before.”

Gavin Whitman

Gavin Whitman, a graduate of Wellington High School, is set to begin his studies at the University of Missouri-Kansas City this fall, where he will work towards a degree in Media Art and Design. Gavin’s primary responsibility at Kanokla was to launch the Kanokla Podcast, a project that allowed him to dive into media production and explore new creative avenues.

What was your favorite part of your internship?

“The best part of the internship was the connections I made with Brooklyn, Kelie, Adley, Kevin, and Brennan.”

What was your favorite learning experience?

“I learned that having a clear direction in the projects you start is essential for success,” he says.

Jackson Risley

Jackson Risley, a recent graduate of Caldwell High School who will soon begin his studies at Southwestern College, where he will also play football, has been interning with us this summer. His role primarily involved outdoor maintenance tasks.

What was your favorite part of your internship?

Jackson noted that his favorite part of the internship was collaborating closely with Dylan and Treyce on some maintenance tasks throughout the summer. He added, “Oh, and mowing!”

What was your favorite learning experience?

Jackson’s internship not only exposed him to some new tasks maintaining and restoring rarely used facilities but also showed him the importance of thorough upkeep and the attention to detail required to manage and preserve a company’s buildings and grounds.

Logan Rhea

Logan Rhea, a recent graduate of Newkirk High School, will soon begin his studies at OSU-IT, pursuing a degree in Computer Science. During his internship, Logan took on various tasks, including working on IT projects, installing cameras, and running cables.

What was your favorite part of your internship?

Logan enjoyed the hands-on experience, saying, “I loved going out on jobs with the IT team, especially the opportunities to install cameras and run cables.”

What was your favorite learning experience?

“I learned how to terminate and run Ethernet cables, install cameras, and troubleshoot PCs more effectively,” he shares.