Kanokla awarded $1.7 million dollar broadband grant

Kanokla was named one of 12 companies awarded a broadband grant through the
Lasting Infrastructure and Network Connectivity Program. The grant, which was
submitted earlier in 2023, expands Kanokla’s current fiber network west of Bluff City and
Freeport, Kansas (see map for project area). This is a huge win for rural residents and
businesses who have been underserved with only fixed-wireless and satellite internet
Kanokla’s grant application highlighted the need for the future-proof, gig-speed
capability of fiber in areas in between rural towns whose residents contribute to multiple
surrounding communities. Leah Sparks-Eakes, Kanokla Communications Manager,
stated, “Many of the local residents and businesses in the area contributed to the
success of our grant application with letters of support, and even during the interview
stage with the grant committee with powerful statements about their need for fiber and
reliability.” Kanokla expects the project to begin in early 2024.

Read the Governor Kelly’s Press Release from November 29th below:
TOPEKA – Governor Laura Kelly announced today that $28.5 million in grants were
awarded to 12 entities through the Lasting Infrastructure and Network Connectivity
(LINC) program. The LINC program provides strategic funding for crucial aspects of
broadband connectivity to reduce the cost of internet service, increase availability, and
improve performance.
“LINC is another step forward in our promise to connect all Kansans, including in rural
areas, to high-speed internet,” Governor Laura Kelly said. “We are empowering
communities with high-speed broadband infrastructure, unlocking greater economic
growth, increased access to telemedicine, and expanded educational opportunities. “
With matching funds from service providers, the total broadband investment in LINC is
expected to surpass $33.9 million.
LINC will provide opportunities for increased internet adoption by focusing on funding
● Broadband Infrastructure, enabling end-user locations with a minimum of 100/20
Mbps speeds.
● Internet Exchange Point facilities to improve the overall internet access service
quality for all Kansans.
● Middle Mile infrastructure to reduce overall costs in delivering broadband to end-
“As we continue to lead the nation in business development, robust broadband
becomes even more critical for attracting new businesses and remote workers to the
state,” Lieutenant Governor and Secretary of Commerce David Toland said. “We will
continue to work with partners across Kansas to ensure all communities have the high-
speed broadband they need to compete and succeed.”
With $30 million in awards, the LINC program continues to push Kansas toward its goal
of becoming a top 10 state for broadband, shaping a future where every Kansan can
leverage the full potential of the digital landscape.
“This is another important investment in high-speed broadband infrastructure so robust
economic growth can be fully realized by Kansans residing in every corner of our state,”
Senate President Ty Masterson said. “Businesses now know Kansas is committed to
digital success.”
“The Legislature is committed to ensuring all Kansas, across all districts, have access to
the resources they need to thrive and grow,” House Speaker Rep. Dan Hawkins said.
“Improving access to high-speed broadband through the LINC program will create
endless opportunities, especially in our rural areas, for many families, schools and
businesses and will help develop our Kansas workforce – another key legislative
priority. I look forward to seeing the benefits this improved connectivity will bring long
into the future for the communities that we serve.”
“LINC brings high-speed broadband to underserved households in every region of our
state,” Broadband Director Jade Piros de Carvalho said. “This $30 million investment is
an investment in opportunity for our communities and our future.”